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Gifted Education


The Avella Elementary Center believes that gifted and talented students have unique academic affective needs. The Avella Elementary Center administrators and teachers support a philosophy that emphasizes the need for a challenging learning environment that focuses on high achievement for every gifted and talented student. Programming for gifted and talented students must be responsive to individual needs and must recognize the multiple talents and challenges of the district's population.


The Avella Elementary Center supports research-based strategies that provide opportunities for optimal learning to ensure that gifted and talented students will perform at levels commensurate with their abilities. Gifted and talented students should be provided dynamic, challenging educational programming at every level throughout their school career.


The following are examples of such service options:

  • Develops the strengths of individual student through group and individual activities.

  • Enrichment  (by grade or subject when appropriate)

  • Differentiation (adjustment of content, process and product) based on student's academic need and ability

  • Pull-out classes with instructional specialists during the school day but outside the regular classroom

  • Rigorous enrichment programs and projects (additional opportunities for developing intellectual potential)

  • Affective support (addressing social and emotional needs either for individuals or in groups)

  • Students will pursue in-depth studies on self-selected topic, group-selected topics or in-depth content area curriculum.


Efforts are made to help students develop an awareness of their strengths and talents and the discipline necessary to apply them in the future. The Gifted Support program provides an opportunity for students to achieve an appreciation for lifelong learning.


Ms. Lynn Clarchick


The purpose of gifted education in the Avella Elementary Center is to provide an education experience that results in maximizing student achievement.