Counseling Department
School counselors are specialists in child growth and development who have a strong background in behavioral sciences and human relations. They also possess a knowledge of school programs which include the curriculum, the learning process and school organization. All student support service workers address important needs -- the school counselor focuses upon the preventive aspects of guidance. The school counselor is primarily concerned with the application of developmental principals in the school through counseling, consultation and coordination.
The School Counselor at Avella Elementary Center is Ms. Marissa Bourg. She offers students small group activities as well as brief individual counseling and classroom lessons to address a variety of concerns related to school. Academic topics may include organizational skills, goal setting, career exploration, and stress management. Personal/ social issues include friendship skills, communication skills, individual differences, decision making skills, conflict resolution and character development.
Ms. Bourg collaborates with teachers daily to work in the best interest of all students. The counselor also coordinates the Elementary Student Assistance Team in the building. This is our district's system of team collaboration to ensure the success of all students. Please feel free to contact her if your child is experiencing difficulties that may have an impact on academic performance such as academic stress, grief or loss, changing family situations, peer relations, etc.
Ms. Marissa Bourg
Avella Elementary Counselor
724-356-2294 x 5211